

By Jacqueline Engel

In 1996, Dr. Zahi Hawass and his team of Egyptian experts discovered an immense cemetery in Bahariya Oasis in Egypt’s Western Desert.

Over a hundred mummies were found in this site, which is today known as the Valley of the Golden Mummies, all dating to Egypt’s Greco Roman Period (332 BC-395 AD).

Many of the mummies who were discovered, including the three on display here, were those of wealthy individuals.

This is evident from the use of cartonnage (plaster covered linen) covering the face and chest which was then coated with gold.

The head section of the cartonnage was moulded into the shape of the face of the deceased to preserve their likeness for eternity.

The decoration on the mummy with the brightly painted chest plate depicts funerary deities to help him achieve an afterlife.

The two mummies that have gold chest plates most likely belonged to a man and his wife, since they were discovered side by side.

Very exceptionally, the mummy of the woman is depicted smiling.

Her head was interestingly turned towards her husband, locked in an eternal loving gaze.

Hurgada Museum

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